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Conspiracy X The Conspiracies Sourcebook Pdf Download

카테고리 없음

by nansoaprodam1987 2020. 2. 18. 06:26


Conspiracy X The Conspiracies Sourcebook Pdf Download

Conspiracy X The Conspiracies Sourcebook Pdf Download Full

Contents.Setting Dark Conspiracy is set in the United States of the early 21st century after a 'Greater Depression' has destroyed the global economy and left many countries isolated and bankrupt. Many American cities have expanded to form massive metroplexes, in some cases covering entire states. Outside of the metroplexes the majority of the country has become known as 'Out-Law' where there is virtually no federal or state protection and the road network joining metroplexes is poorly maintained. Scattered throughout the Out-Law and even in the darker and more forbidding areas of the Metroplexes, zones known as 'Demonground' are spawning mysterious 'dark minions': monsters armed with deadly weapons.